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Cover2Cover: The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald Illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith
I learned about George MacDonald like most people – through the testimonies of the people he infl...

Cover2Cover: Charles Knight’s 1838 Pictorial Shakespeare
Charles Knight’s 1838 Pictorial Shakespeare
We recently got in the store a copy of Charles Kn...

Cover2Cover: Poe's Tales of Mystery & Imagination - Illustrated by Arthur Rackham 1935
There is something modern about Arthur Rackham’s (1867-1939) illustrations. For example, compa...

Majesty & Mystery: Maurice Sendak’s Illustration of 'The Hobbit'
My favorite book is 'The Hobbit.' My favorite illustrated children’s book is 'Where the Wild Thi...

Welcome to the BookArt blog
From iconic first edition dust jackets to sublime illustrations, here we meander through the aest...